Intellexer Clusterizer

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Intellexer Clusterizer enables effective organizing, normalizing, linking, and processing of documents, presenting of retrieval results in a more logical, structured, and searchable way. Meanwhile, it can provide information seekers with a means of browsing, and searching information efficiently in a user friendly format to fulfill the user’s information need.

Intellexer Clusterizer extracts terms (concepts and noun phrases) from unstructured text information, detects semantic relations (e.g., Verb-Subject-Object) between them, and finally forms clusters out of these terms, differentiating between broader and narrower meanings terms with the help of custom Intellexer Linguistic Processor and popular lexical database WordNet. Broader meaning terms indicate that the term represents a more inclusive concept, usually corresponding to a superclass link in an inheritance hierarchy. Narrower meaning terms indicate that the term represents a more specific concept. Particular consideration is given to the frequency of the term occurrence in the analyzed text.

Below is the example of a hierarchical tree of extracted terms.

Intellexer Clusterizer results can be successfully used for:

  • Business documents classifications;
  • Thesaurus management;
  • Semi-automatic ontologies creation;
  • Subject and domain information retrieval vocabularies;
  • Effective interchange with record management systems;

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Intellexer Clusterizer